Preparing Your Home for a Newborn Photography Session: A Guide for Parents.

Preparing for a newborn session can be overwhelming and that's why I decided to post this guide to help you to be prepared for your session. ❤️

One of the most important things to remember is to relax and go with the flow. During the newborn session, your baby will be in charge all the time and I'll only do what makes the baby comfortable and happy.

My goal is for you to be able to relax, sit back and enjoy watching your little one. I will take care of the rest.

I love what I do, and your baby will always be treated with the utmost respect and care.

1) Space and Environment:

  • Provide a space of about 8x8 feet for me to set up my equipment.
  • Create a peaceful atmosphere to help your baby stay calm and relaxed.
  • Ideally, have only mom and dad present during the session to keep distractions to a minimum.

2) Clean and Declutter:

  • Tidy up the areas where the photo session will take place.
  • Remove any clutter or distracting items to ensure a clean and safe space.

3) Maintain a Warm Environment:

  • Keep the room temperature between 79 - 86°F for your baby's comfort.
  • I have a heater and will take it with me, but for a cozier and warmer space, we, maybe, would need to combine both (your home heater and mine)

4) Dress Baby in Loose Outfits:

  • Dress your baby in loose-fitting clothing to make it easier for me to work without waking them up.

5) Schedule a Morning Session:

  • Morning sessions tend to work better.

6) Feeding Schedule:

  • Start feeding your baby about 30 minutes before the session to ensure baby is content and full.

7)  Artificial Lighting:

  • I use artificial lighting, so you don't need to worry about natural light in your home.

8)  Baby's Pace:

  • Please understand that the baby leads the session. I prioritize your baby's comfort and safety all the time.
  • I do not rush or force any poses; it's all about what the baby is comfortable with.

9) Be Prepared for a 2-4 Hour Session:

  • Newborn sessions can take some time, so plan for a window of 2-4 hours to allow for feeding, soothing, and capturing those perfect moments.

10) Neutral Colors for Parents and Siblings:

  • Dress parents and any siblings in neutral colors to create a cohesive and timeless look for the photos.

11) Baby's Comfort First:

  • The safety and comfort of your baby is my top priority. I will not push them to do anything they are not at ease with.

12)  Photo Options:

  • If you've chosen a package with a specific number of photos, rest assured I will work to provide you with enough options to choose from.
  • If the baby is calm and cooperative I'll try to have even more options. However, if it becomes evident that the session is not working smoothly, I will conclude it as soon as sufficient options are available to meet your package requirements.

Remember, the newborn photography session is a special time to capture precious moments with your baby. By following these guidelines, you can help create the ideal setting for beautiful and heartwarming photographs that you'll cherish for years to come.